Agrupamento de Escolas de Rio Tinto Nº3
We are working with international projects for the last 13 years. We promoted several European projects such as . Comenius; . Erasmus KA2 “Share Play”, that finished in 2016; . Erasmus KA2 “Promotion of national identity in the European context through customs and traditions”, that finished in 2018; . Erasmus KA2 “Young European historians”, that will finish in 2021; . Erasmus KA2 “Green Europe. Education. Abilities”, that started in 2020; . Erasmus KA2 “Be Clean, Be Green! Promoting the Sustainable Development of our Community”, that started in 2020; . Erasmus KA2 “Food for thought”, that started in 2020; . Erasmus KA1 “ICT New Scenarios”, that started in 2019; . Piloto do Triseum; . European Schoolnet; . Apps for Good; Platoon; . CHICScience; Our school is an eTwinning School and our teachers had been awarded with National Quality labels (42 in 2020 and 74 in 2021) and European Quality labels (23 in 2020 and we are waiting for the 2021 results).